Thursday, February 7, 2008

A New History Book in Progress

Hello Fellow Minersville Punkin' Rollers

The Minersville Historical Society would like to ask for your help in putting together a History Book of Minersville that will include the years 1959-2009. We are excited that in 2009 we will celebrate 150 years of Minersville. In honor of this celebration we would like to print a new History book. We realize that this is a huge project but one that needs to be completed. Minersville has a great history and we would like to capture that on paper. As you are reading this you are probably wondering how can I help. Well we have a few suggestions and would appreciate any others you many have.

* First- please send in your memories of Minersville. Anything will be helpful so please send all you can. With your memories please send us your lineage to Minersville.

* Second- a brief personal family history is also something we are looking for, these will have limited space so that we can fit all that are sent in.

*Third- any pictures that will help us recap the history of Minersville.

If you have hard copies of pictures and live close to Minersville, a member of the society could come and take digital photos of your photos. If you do not live close try and find someone with a digital camera and have them take a picture of your pictures and then email them in.

We would like to keep things as digital as possible so if at all possible please send all submissions by email to

We also have a PO Box for the Society

Minersville Historical Society

P.O. Box 371

Minersville Ut 84752

We need all submissions sent in by July 4, 2008

For questions or comments please contact

Grace Bealer 435-386-2295

Betty Marshall 435-386-2329

Eleanore Marshall 435-386-2300

Elaine Baldwin 435-676-2403

Cherstie Woolf 435-386-2511

Please remember that you do not have to be living in Minersville at this time to send in submissions to the book. We know that in fifty years many have come and gone and realize that it is up to all of us to recap the past fifty years.

We will continue to update this blog with new information, and as printing gets closer with information to preorder your copy of the book.

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